Services & Facilities

The MPI-CBG invests extensively in Services and Facilities to allow research scientists shared access to sophisticated and expensive technologies. The Institute also develops new technologies necessary to realize the research mission. All these features are open and available for IMPRS PhD students.

In addition, the spirit of sharing extends beyond our program. The DRESDEN-concept has united a number of institutional partners to develop synergies in research, education, infrastructure, and administration. 

The impressive portfolio of scientific instruments, services, and technologies available at MPI-CBG can be viewed at the Dresden Technology Portal, which is a joint database by the DRESDEN-concept partners.

Scientific Methodology & Expertise

Group Leader Research Fields Methodological & Technical Expertise
Alexander von Appen Biophysics, Cell Biology Protein biochemistry and reconstitution in membranes • Cryo-Electron Tomography • Biophysics • Proteomics to explore protein interactions including quantitative cross-linking mass spectrometry, proximity labeling • Live cell imaging
Eric Geertsma Biochemistry
Claudia Gerri Developmental Biology


Anne Grapin-Botton Developmental Biology, Cell Biology Organoids and pluripotent stem cell models • Live imaging and quantitative analysis of imaged data • Mouse genetics • High-content image-based screens on organoids
Stephan Grill Biophysics
Pierre Haas Biophysics, Theoretical Biophysics Theoretical Biophysics • Continuum Mechanics • Theory of Soft Matter • Mathematical Biology • Numerical modeling and data analysis
Heather Harrington Algebraic Systems Biology, Mathematics
Meritxell Huch Developmental Biology, Cell Biology

Anthony Hyman

Cell Biology, Genomics, Biophysics

BAC recombineering • Single molecule microscopy • C.elegans transgenomics • Protein expression and purification

Frank Jülicher


Theory of active matter • Hydrodynamics, Continuum theories, discrete models • Stochastic processes • Numerical methods, simulation

Rita Mateus

Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Biophysics

Zebrafish Genetics (Crispr KI and KO; transgenesis) • Molecular biology and cloning • Advanced live imaging (e.g. lightsheet) and electron microscopy (e.g. FIB-SEM) • Quantitative image analysis

Carl Modes

Biophysics, Systems Biology, Computational Biology

Theory of complex networks • Applied topological and geometric methods • Theoretical biophysics • Theory of soft matter • Numerical methods and simulations

Gene Myers

Computational Biology, Optical Engineering, Systems Biology, Computer Science

NGS sequencing and assembl • High throughput microscop • Image analysis / interpretation of microscope data sets • Customized control systems for microscopy • Algorithms and efficient use of computer hardware

André Nadler

Cell Biology, Biochemistry

Organic synthesis & chemical probe development • NMR spectroscopy • Lipid biochemistry • Photoaffinity probes • Live cell photoactivation experiments • Live cell imaging
Marko Popovic


Tissue mechanics • Plasticity of amorphous solids • Statistical physics and thermodynamics, Numerical simulations: Vertex models and Mesoscopic elasto-plastic models • Data analysis

Jonathan Rodenfels

 Cell Biology

Ivo Sbalzarini

Computational Biology, Computer Science, Systems Biology

mesh-free discretization schemes for partial differential equations • Bayesian bio-image analysis • parallel high-performance computing • bio-inspired computation • image-based modeling and simulation of biological processes in space and time
Sandra Scharaw Cell Biology, Genetics

Andrej Shevchenko

Proteomics, Lipidomics

Mass spectrometry • Shotgun lipidomic • LC-MS/MS

Jacqueline Tabler

Developmental Biology, Cell Biology, Genetics

Ex vivo imaging of mammalian tissues • Quantitative microscopy • Mammalian genetics • Primary cell culture

Dora Tang

Synthetic Biology, Biophysics, Materials Science

Protocell models • High pressure for soft matter • Cell free expression • Biophysical characterisation • Microfluidics

Pavel Tomancak

Developmental Biology, Bioinformatics

Light sheet microscopy • Biological image analysis • Image-based genomics • Transcriptomics
Agnes Toth-Petroczy

Computational Biology, Genomics, Systems Biology

Bioinformatics • algorithm development •
Computational experiments • Next-generation sequencing data analysis • Basic molecular biology: PCR, cloning, E. coli as a model system
Jesse Veenvliet Developmental Biology

3D in vitro modelling of mammalian development • Comparative (single-cell) transcriptomics • High-throughput wide-field live imaging • Embryonic stem cell culture and differentiation

Christoph Zechner

Computational Biology, Systems Biology, Synthetic Biology

Stochastic models of molecular networks • Statistical inference & learning • Molecular computing & nanotechnology • Signal processing & adaptive systems

Marino Zerial

Cell Biology, Computational Biology, Systems Biology

Synthetic biology • High resolution imaging • siRNA delivery systems for functional genomics • Image analysis and data extraction • Mathematical modeling • Systems biology, physics and theory


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