Internship Offers

Our student research internships last 2-3 months, during which you'll integrate into your hosting group's research activities, and join our greater Dresden research community! Although we call this the "summer" internship programme, it could happen anytime that suits both the successful candidate and their hosting group.

Successful candidates will receive a monthly stipend of 934 Euro to support living costs in Dresden. Additionally, the IMPRS will help arrange for travel, housing and visa concerns.

Lab Internship Project Research AreaDurationStudent Background
Meritxell Huch
  • Liver organoids and their biomedical applications
Image Analysis, Stem Cells, Organoids12 weeksLife science, Computer Science, Physics
Claudia Gerri
  • Generation of mutant organoids to study human placenta development
Developmental Biology, CRISPR-Cas9, Stem Cells8-12 WeeksLife science
Pierre Haas
  • Spatiotemporal dynamics of phenotypic switching in microbial communities
  • Continuum mechanics of thick epithelial tissues
Theoretical Ecology, Applied mathematics, Dynamical Systems, Mechanics, Theoretical Biophysics12 weeksMathematics



  •  Microswimmers in porous media
Soft matter, active matter, statistical physics, fluid mechanics8-12 weeksPhysics, mathematics, engineering
Rita Mateus
  • Decoding electrical signalling during zebrafish fin regeneration
Ion transport, Microscopy, Image Analysis12 weeksLife sciences; potentially chemistry, physics or computer science
Ivo Sbalzarini

  • Machine Learning and Data-driven Modeling in Biology
Computer Science, Applied Mathematics12 weeks

Computer science, physics, engineering

Anne Grapin-Botton
  • Using pancreas organoids to study development
Mechanics, Stem Cells, Organoids, Image Analysis12 weeksLife Science, Computer Science, Physics
Andrej Schevchenko
  • Absolute quantification of proteins for personalzied molecular diagnostics
Proteomics, Mass Spec, Cardiovascular Pathology12 weeksAnalytical Chemistry
Christoph Zechner
  • Stochastic processes in cells and tissue
Applied Probability & Statistics, Dynamical systems, Computational biology12 weeksMaths, Physics, Computer Science
Stephan Grill
  • How to shape an egg? Or: Protein-DNA Co-Condensation
Physics, Experimental Biophysics12 WeeksLife Science, Physics, Biophysics


