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Max Planck
The Max Planck Society is Germany's most successful research organization. Over 80 Institutes conduct world-class research, driven by curiosity and executed under the best working conditions. Our IMPRS students are all part of the Max Planck Network, and enjoy many related advantages.
MAXNETMaxNet is a virtual platform for all current and former students, employees, scientists, and long-term visitors from institutes and facilities of the Max Planck Society. |
IMPRSOur IMPRS-CellDevoSys is one of several International Max Planck Research Schools. As such, we follow the MPG guidelines for doctoral studies and good scientific practice. |
PHDNETCurrent Predocs can connect with other Max Planck PhD students via the PhDnet. The PhDnet represents the interests of graduate students within the research organization and serves as an important communication platform. |
MPAAThrough the Max Planck Alumni Association and alumni events, IMPRS graduates and other former staff can remain in touch throughout their careers. |
MINERVA-FEMMENETThe Minerva-FemmeNet is a network for female scientists of the Max Planck Society. This network is intended to build mentor-mentee relationships between junior and senior female scientists. |