Strategy & Philosophy

Our program aims to empower our PhD students by giving them freedom and self-responsibility. There are naturally some required elements for successful program completion. These key stipulations are briefly summarized below.

Required Elements for PhD Studies

  • Registration at the TU Dresden
    IMPRS students are registered at the degree-awarding TUD faculty as a PhD student in the first month of thesis work.
  • TAC Meetings
    PhD students are obliged to organize their TAC meetings in a timely manner. This includes submitting a written annual report one week prior to the scheduled meeting. Annual Reports are subject to approval by the TAC. This approval is a prerequisite for continued participation in the IMPRS.
  • Participation in Training
    Compulsory courses are the Introductory Predoc Course, Thursday Tutorials, Computer Bootcamp and the basic training in scientific writing. Regular participation in Journal Clubs, group meetings, internal and research seminars is required.
  • Lab Rotations
    PhD students who enter the IMPRS holding only a BSc degree will perform two 4-week rotations in one of our Research Groups.
  • Doctoral Thesis
    The Dissertation (written thesis) is generally the self-contained work of one author written in English. As a rule, cumulative theses (i.e. a compilation of previously published work) are not accepted.


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