Join the IMPRS CellDevoSys!

Our PhD program is at the core of our life at the MPI-CBG. Our PhD Students demonstrate talent and ambition, and thrive in a highly collaborative and interdisciplinary research environment. We foster early scientific independence, encourage exploring new paths and approaches, and provide guidance and mentorship throughout thesis work and beyond. We value our PhD students’ enthusiasm, curiosity and independent minds which is key to our scientific endeavor and success.

We welcome 20 – 25 new PhD students every year

Check our research groups for research opportunities at the frontier of science. Please acquaint yourself with the application and admission procedure and apply right away if you want to join us - we are accepting your application anytime!

Additionally, we offer multiple opportunities for students at different educational stages:

Student research internships For motivated non-local undergraduate and Master’s students looking to add a truly exciting research experience to university studies, we offer Student Research Internships.
Summer School Our Summer School invites undergraduate and Master’s students to learn to apply their computational/theoretical background to complex biological systems. check here for updates
Thesis Projects Find suitable Bachelor or Master thesis projects in one of our research groups in line with the regulations of your home University. Apply to RGLs anytime.


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